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UNICEF ‘behind secret campaign to sterilise 2.3 m young women’

UNICEF ‘behind secret campaign to sterilise 2.3 m young women’ - Unicef, the UN agency for children, has been accused of running a massive campaign in Kenya to sterilise millions of young women and end the lives of their unborn children through miscarriage.

A drive to eradicate tetanus, especially in newborns, by vaccinating their mothers, is under way, sponsored by Unicef and WHO (World Health Organistion).

But the Catholic Church alleges that these two UN agencies are using the drive as a cover for a campaign to sterilise 2.3 million young Kenyan women, unknown to themselves.

Kenya’s Ministry for Health has denied the claim, but under pressure from the Church, parliament has ordered an independent inquiry.

The country’s Catholic doctors claim that the tetanus vaccine is laced with the HCG hormone which causes infertility and multiple miscarriages in women.

This was confirmed, they said, by independent tests in different laboratories.

“We sent six samples of the vaccine from around Kenya to laboratories in South Africa,” said Dr. Muhame Ngare of the Mercy Medical Centre. “All were laced with HCG.”

The Nairobi-based doctor described the campaign as “a well-coordinated, mass sterilisation exercise,” carried out without the women’s knowledge.

Kenya’s bishops have issued a remarkably strong statement condemning the Unicef/WHO campaign.

In March and October this year they met officials, including the country’s Health Minister and the Director of Medical Services, and agreed to jointly test the vaccine.

“However,” they said, “the Ministry did not cooperate and the joint tests were not done.”

They also said they were “shocked at the level of dishonesty and casual manner in which such a serious issue is being handled by the Government.”

And they expressed dismay at “attempts to intimidate and blackmail medical professionals who have corroborated information about the vaccine, with threats of disciplinary action.”

Calling on Kenyans to avoid the vaccination, they said they were “convinced that it is indeed a disguised population control programme.”

The Association of Catholic Doctors said they presented the evidence to the Ministry of Health, but it was ignored, with the government claiming the vaccine was safe.

Dr. Ngare told LifeSiteNews how medics came to suspect the campaign’s real agenda.

A first cause for suspicion was the secrecy around it, unlike the usual fanfare accompanying other national vaccination efforts.

“They usually bring all the stakeholders together three months before the campaign, like they did with polio a little while ago,” said Ngare. “And they use staff in the centres to give out the vaccine.”

But with the anti-tetanus campaign, “only a few operatives from the government are allowed to give it out. They come with a police escort. They take it away with them when they are finished. Why not leave it with the local medical staff to administer?”

Even more suspiciously, he said, the present campaign requires an “unprecedented five shots” and is applied only to women of child-bearing years.

“Usually we give a series of three shots over two to three years, we give it to anyone who comes into the clinic with an open wound, men, women or children,” said Dr Ngare.

“If this is intended to inoculate children in the womb, why give it to girls starting at 15 years? You cannot get married till you are 18,” said Ngare. “The usual way to vaccinate children is to wait till they are six weeks old.”

He noted that “the only time tetanus vaccine was given in 5 doses was when it was used to carry vaccines laced with the pregnancy hormone, HCG, developed by WHO in 1992.”

Used against Mexico’s people in 1993 and in Nicaragua and the Philippines in 1994, it didn’t cause miscarriages till three years later.

“Which is why the counterclaims that women who got the vaccination recently and then got pregnant are meaningless,” said Ngare.

WHO tried to bring the same anti-fertility programme into Kenya in the 1990s. “We alerted the government and it stopped the vaccination. But this time they haven’t done so,” he said.

“Either we are lying or the Government is lying. But ask yourself, ‘What reason do the Catholic doctors have for lying?’.”

He added: “The Catholic Church has been here in Kenya providing health care and vaccinating for 100 years.”

ALIVE! Catholic Monthly Newspaper

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