Jenglotsculpturalobjectsorblackdoll. Jenglotisonly about12centimetershigh, andlongishwhitehairis longerthanits body, about 25centimeters. Full ofcanineteethplusthe nailsonher fingers and toesareelongated. Residentswhobelievecallingit"Jenglot" orthattheybelieve to be themagicmanwhocan not die. It was foundPriyatnoandPardiwhilemine sandinCorkhamlet, villageSendangsari, SubDisplays,Bantul, Yogyakarta. News ofthe discovery of twobodiesof sandminersSungaProgoitquickly spread. Residentsflockto arrive. Newsabout"Jenglot" Thisis not the firsttime this has happenedin the country. Maytwoyearsago, residentsPecatuLabuan Saitbeach, Jimbaran, Baliinappallingsimilar objects"Jenglot." At that time, the beach attendantsawmoundsasgraveson the beach.
Whenexcavatedobjectsfoundthreepieces, two of whichform ofpuppetlike"Jenglot." Forscholars, the newsabout"Jenglot" it's simply nottrue. People are askednot tocarry overissuesthat are notobvioussuperstition. Forreligious leaders, residentsfound objectswere nothing morethanastatueandinanimate objects.
Whenexcavatedobjectsfoundthreepieces, two of whichform ofpuppetlike"Jenglot." Forscholars, the newsabout"Jenglot" it's simply nottrue. People are askednot tocarry overissuesthat are notobvioussuperstition. Forreligious leaders, residentsfound objectswere nothing morethanastatueandinanimate objects.
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