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Steamed chicken with wolfberries and red dates

Steamed chicken with wolfberries and red dates Steamed Chicken with Red Dates Lotus Seeds Combine red dates, lotus seeds, yu zhu and wolfberries with water and Your steamed chicken looks Home Cook Steam Chicken with Red Dates Wolfberries You know when comes to cook for 2 persons, Steamed Chicken with Red Dates and Wolfberries by Doreen Tamjiak 6 Red dates you may remove the seeds 1 tsp Wolfberries

Steamed chicken with wolfberries and red dates

This is a modified version of steamed herbal chicken adapted from Quick & Easy Hawkers’ Fair. I had omitted dang guai (chinese herb – 当归) and chinese shaoxing cooking wine.

2 chicken whole legs
1 tbsp wolfberries (枸杞) (washed) – Add more if you like as it is a very nutritious (read this link for more details)
5 red dates (removed seeds)

1 tbsp oyster sauce
½ tsp salt
1 tsp sesame oil
½ tbsp cornflour (diluted with 2 tbsp water)

1) Clean the chicken legs and pat dry. Remove bones and skins ( I asked the chicken seller to do it for me to save time). Trim the fat. Cut into 4 pieces.
2) Marinate all ingredients with seasonings for at least 30 mins.
3) Steam at high heat for 15-20 mins or until the chicken is cooked. Dish up and serve hot.
4) If the chicken is dry, add 1 tsp fried garlic or onion oil.

Steamed chicken with wolfberries and red dates

source :,,

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