Welcome to the the time honored tradition of physician vs nurse. Happy's hospital has now been open for five years. Here at the Beautiful Hospital On the Hill, I've seen the good, the bad and the ugly of American medicine. Put highly educated medical professionals into the same building, create an environment filled with conflict and time constraints and top it off with a complex assortment of Type A personality disorders. How can we help you today?
I've seen doctors talk trash about other doctors. I've even seen nurses talk trash about doctors. They say some doctors are too conservative while other doctors are too aggressive. They say some doctors lack the necessary skills to practice competent medicine while other doctors just can't ignore things that need to be ignored. They say some doctors order too many tests while other doctors don't order enough. They say some doctors are nice while other doctors stepped on their feelings. They say some doctors are easy to get a hold of while other doctors are impossible to reach. The list of complaints by doctors and nurses against doctors is endless.
I've seen doctors talk trash about nurses. I've even seen nurses talk trash about other nurses. They say some nurses lack independence while other nurses try to assume too much responsibility. They say some nurses page the doctor too often while other nurses don't page enough. They say some nurses are too slow to respond to their patients' needs while other nurses need to take a step back and let the patient breath. They say some nurses are too anal retentive while other nurses need to pay more attention to the details. They say some nurses don't know how to chart important details while other nurses document nonsense of little relevance.
For as long as I can remember, or at least the last five years, doctors and nurses have openly expressed dissatisfaction with their colleagues on both sides of the equation. However, one question that has been the subject of controversy for centuries has been permanently put to rest. Physician vs nurse: Who's smarter? The answer is so blatantly obvious, it never occurred to me until now. Of course. When you're in the hospital, doctors need to ask for help from seven other doctors. But you only get one nurse. Any questions?
"If you think doctors are smarter than nurses, ask yourself why patients need seven different doctors in the hospital. But just one nurse."

This post is for entertainment purposes only and likely contains humor only understood by those in a healthcare profession. Read at your own risk.
source : http://okezone.com, http://thehappyhospitalist.blogspot.com, http://bbc.co.uk
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