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Role Models: VenusAngelic

Role Models: VenusAngelic

Are you ready for another post? I hope so! Here is another post in my role models series, which I started a few months ago with my post on lovely blogger Rosalynn! For this one, I will be talking about YouTuber and living doll, Venus Palermo, or her internet name, VenusAngelic!

Role Models: VenusAngelic
Many people have probably heard of her already, with over 479,000 followers and counting on just her YouTube channel. Venus was one of the very first people who inspired me to get into Japanese dolly and lolita fashion, and she is still a role model to this day. If you have not seen her YouTube channel, she has a wide variety of videos, with topics such as makeup tutorials, candy reviews, challenges, informational videos, and much more! She has amazing video and camera skills, as all of her videos don't look in the least bit home-made. Not only is she great at makeup, she is also very smart. Having lived in various places all over the world, she can speak many languages, including Japanese, English, Spanish, Dutch, etc. She is such an individual and inspires girls to do what they love and be themselves. She has even made a speech at an anime convention, starred in My Strange Addiction: Living Dolls, modeled for Japanese lolita brand Bodyline, and probably has many more things in store for her. Along with YouTube, you can also find her on Google Plus,FaceBook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram. I hope you all enjoyed this post! Keep your eyes open for some new posts from me!
Credits for the cupcake greeting image go to:

source :,,

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