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MY WRITING PROCESS - BLOG HOP 53081 - Beverly Stowe McClure invited me to participate in the My Writing Process blog hop. I'm so glad she did. I think it's fun for readers and other writers to learn about a writer's process. So, thank you Beverly for the invite and here goes:

Step 1: Acknowledge the person and the blog site that invited me to take part.

Please visit Beverly's blog and browse her expanding selection of middle grade and young adult books. She's a lovely writer: While you are there, be sure to read about her writing process, from last week's post.
Step 2: Answer four questions about my writing process.

My Writing Process - Blog Hop
Me writing (I was actually
writing a letter to my bestie,
but writing is writing, right?)
1) What am I working on?
I'm currently writing two young adult, romance novella's (the first from the girl's point of view and the second from the guys point of view) that I'm actually considering self-publishing. I'm a total coward, so this is a big deal for me. If you have any words of wisdom, or encouragement, please feel free to share.

I'm also writing the third and final book in my Super Villain Academy series. The 2nd book, Polar Opposites, releases in June.

Finally, I'm on an agent search right now. I hope to have a well rounded career that spans traditional, 'big six' publishing, small press, and self publishing. I believe an agent is a business partner that can help me realize that complete business model.

2) How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I strive to tell only the story I would tell, which would make my voice unique. I try to find the logical route of a story, and then tweak it and send it in an unexpected direction. I want my writing to combine both a sense of familiarity of story as well as surprise.
3) Why do I write what I do?
The reason I enjoy writing middle grade and young adult is the readers. It is such a formative time in a person's life and there are always so many external pressures, but a book can allow a child or teen to escape from their lives and into someone else's. Books can inspire dreams or solutions. And I LOVE that young readers are so much more interactive in the reading process. Their passion for story takes an author's words and shapes them further into a story unique to them.
4) How does my writing process work?
My favorite part of a story is the creation stage - the first draft. I can get very caught up in discovering the story and be resentful of any real life responsibilities the pull me away from it. After a couple passes of revision on my own, I read it out loud to my kids. Then I send it to critique partners. After applying those suggestions, I usually try to find its new home.
My Writing Process - Blog Hop
She's totes adorbs -
you will love her!
Step 3: Pass the torch.

Next week the hop will visit Katie Carroll.

Katie L. Carroll writes and edits stories for teens and kids. She began writing at a very sad time in her life, but since then writing has taken her to many wonderful places, real and imagined.

Thanks for reading! Remember to leave any (or your best) advice for me if I choose to self publish! See you next week on Katie's blog.

source :,,

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