More evidence supporting the white supremacist and racist leanings of Emanuel AME Church shooter Dylann Roof is coming forward, as a racist manifesto and Checkout other video here.
- Racist Rebel Rants from Confederate Flag-Wrapped Dylann Roof
Dylann Roof—slaughterer Bible-reading African-American class members Charleston, S.C. church— hate-filled, backwater, -admitted - Charleston shooting suspect Dylann Roof charged with nine
Relatives victims tearful statements forgive Dylann Roof, charged 9 counts murder - Dylann Roof's Car, Like S.C. Statehouse, Flies a
Photos posted Facebook page appears belong South Carolina gunman Dylann Storm Roof show young man posing front black Hyundai Elantra - SPLC Dylann Roof’s Confederate Flag Alex Jones' Infowars
SPLC Dylann Roof’ Confederate Flag Narrative emerging race war engineered unfold summer - Dylann Roof, the Confederate terrorist Bent Corner
Racial terrorist Dylann Roof big fan Confederate battle flag, red blue piece fabric carried battlefield rebel soldiers - Dylann Roof had Confederate plates. Here's why the rebel
South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley order flags state flown -mast week honor black parishioners - Dylann Roof Photos and a Manifesto Are Posted on Website
COLUMBIA, S.C. — Dylann Roof spat burned American flag, waved Confederate. He posed pictures wearing No. 88 T-shirt, 88 - Dylann Roof Visited Slave Plantations, Confederate
Roof takes photographs pro-Nazi, pro-Confederate propaganda, including “1488” drawn beach burning American flag - Dylann Roof FBI probes website and manifesto linked to
A photograph posted website racist manifesto appears show Dylann Roof posing confederate flag gun. Photograph Reuters - Lindsey Graham Blame Roof, not Confederate flag
Sen. Lindsey Graham blames Dylann Roof, alleged killer opened fire -African Americans, Confederate flag excuse
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- Pumpkin Pie Pudding with Banana and Avocado
- Chickpeas with Yogurt and Fresh Mustard Greens
- Spicy Kidney Bean and Chickpea Stew
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