tutsdot.blogspot.com - North Charleston, South Carolina, police officer Michael Slager who shot and killed Walter "Lamar" Scott in the back Saturday April 4th 2015, was formally charged with murder this evening April 7th.
At the time of this shooting, Scott was wanted for arrest on a Family Court warrant, Charleston County sheriff’s Maj. Eric Watson said Tuesday.
He had a history of arrests related to contempt of court charges for failing to pay child support. The only accusation of violence against Scott during his lifetime came through an assault and battery charge in 1987. http://postandcourier.com/article/20150407/PC16/150409468
The police incident report states that Slager called in a traffic stop for a broken taillight, and then advised officers that he was in a foot pursuit of the driver of the vehicle.
Slager then said he had deployed his Taser and requested backup units to the scene, according to the police report.
The footage filmed by a bystander, was the first piece of evidence contradicting an account Slager gave earlier this week through his attorney. http://postandcourier.com/article/20150407/PC16/150409468

"The video is very demonstrative of exactly what happened," Mayor R. Keith Summey said. "Without the video, and that was the only witness there was, it would be difficult to ascertain directly what did occur." ( He can't trust or believe the police reports of his police department )
In the above New York Times video, Slager shoots Scott, then goes back to the intial scuffle area, picks up something, brings it to where Scott is laying on the ground, and drops it. Looks like the taser.
In a statement tonight, Gov. Nikki Haley said, "We have many good law enforcement officers in the field. What happened in this case is not acceptable in South Carolina, nor is it reflective of our values"
But it's clear that his fellow police did not arrest Slager for his actions. It's clear the Mayor doesn't trust the police in his own city, nor their police reports.
Once again, anytime you see police, get your camera or video recording. You're only as safe as the evidence you collect. Its the only evidence of the truth, and cops can't be trusted. Or prove me wrong someday. Not today, but someday, I hope you can.
During the 21/2 minutes after the shooting until the end of the video, the backup officer lifts up Scott’s shirt to check his wounds.
But no one starts CPR. The police have said, though, that they tried desperately to save Scott until paramedics showed up. Obviously, they lied again.
1st Slager lies that he felt his life was in danger, and was his reason to shoot and kill Scott.
2nd that CPR was done, when video proves it wasn't
3rd when Slager swore an oath of office "never employing unnecessary force or violence"
From the Apr 8th 2015 New York Times :
Asked whether the proper protocols were followed after the shooting, Chief Driggers said, “Obviously not.”
Mayor Summey said he had issued an executive order that all of the department’s police officers start wearing body cameras — a tacit acknowledgment of the importance video played in this case.
From the April 9th 2015 CNN article
Slager signed his oath of office" with the police force on March 1, 2010, pledging to "faithfully serve the citizens of this city" and "never abuse my authority either by words or acts."
"I will enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice, or ill will, never employing unnecessary force or violence," the oath said.
Slager was named in a police complaint in 2013 after he allegedly "tased a man for no reason" before slamming him to the ground and dragging him, according to the North Charleston Police Department.
At the time, Slager was searching for a suspect who was described as being 5 feet 5 inches tall. The man he confronted was 6-foot-3.
If the family of Walter Scott had waited until after the police concluded their investigation, and filed the report... we wold have the proof of police covering up for murder. The entire event is tragic, and nothing can downplay this murder. But bringing the video evidence to the public after all the police were done with their nonsense "investigation" would have proved what integrity the police of North Charleston have, or do not.
other source : http://slideshare.net, http://instagram.com, http://justacarguy.blogspot.com
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