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Late Spring

Late Spring Late Spring 26217 26149, Banshun is a 1949 Japanese drama film, directed by Yasujir 333 Ozu and produced by the Shochiku studio. It is based on the short novel Father and Directed by Keun Hyun Cho. With Youngho Joo, Seo Hyung Kim, You Young Lee, Yong Woo Park. In post war Korea, A genius sculptor meets an amateur model. Late Spring: Home with Ozu By Michael Atkinson April 17, 2012 Maybe it is something to do with the sensual seductiveness of cinema: as new millennium

The weather has been wonderful for the past couple of weeks. It's warm and breezy, and perfect to be outside most of the time. I know that rainy season (tsuyu) is only a few weeks away and after that the terrible heat and humidity of summer, but for now I'm enjoying all the time I can outside.

There's a little park near our apartment that has lovely flowers all year round (the winter cabbages and camellias are both from here) but it has suddenly exploded into a gorgeous rose garden.

Late Spring
Late Spring

I found a really fantastic kiwi popsicle at the 7-Eleven. The outside is like a regular fruit popsicle, but the inside is a crunchier icy texture more like a snow cone. It also comes in the blue flavor "Ice Candy" and the super gross "Corn Potage" flavor. (What is Japan's obsession with corn potage?)

Late Spring

Speaking on 7-Eleven snacks, I found some passion fruit flavored kitkats earlier this week. They smelled nice but tasted a little strange. I'm not the biggest passion fruit fan to begin with though, so they're probably great if you are a fan. The coating seemed to melt just a little faster than the chocolate does.

Late Spring

Besides enjoying the weather I've been getting a lot of writing done. One day Raku and I were in Omotesando writing outside at the fancy Starbucks, but also having a great time people watching. At one point a lady walked by with seven little fluffy dogs that were all the same size and color.

Late Spring
She must work for a pet store

The later out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw a big animal walking down the street. When I looked up there was a man with a donkey selling flowers.

Late Spring
Not your average sight on a Tokyo street

source :,,

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