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Hurray! The Kindle version of my latest book, A Travel for Taste: Germany, is online and ready for purchase! Click here to buy it on for immediate download. It's priced at $9.99, which is about half of the full retail price of the paperback version. For my friends outside of the US, click here to buy it on Amazon Germany for about 8,30 Euros. It's also available on Amazon sites in many other countries, too.

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So, down to business. This week the charming, cozy Christmas market atmosphere was interrupted again, for about the 500th year in a row, by the not-so-charming-and-cozy companions of St. Nickolaus. I told you in last week's post that ole Nick doesn't like to do the dirty work of pointing out the naughty ones from the nice, so he travels with others who do that job. In Munich's case, and in many villages in southern Bavaria and the Alps, his companions are the Krampus.
Krampus Run through Munich's Christmas Market
Many Krampus clubs exist whose sole purpose is to dress up like scary demons and run around the Christmas markets whipping people with horsehair whips or bundles of sticks. On the appointed day at the appointed hour, they gather for a very long parade that makes its very noisy way through the Christmas market and surrounding area.

There are 28 clubs in this year's procession. Each club has a couple of sign-bearers in front and five to ten Krampus following. That's a couple hundred monsters taking swipes at bystanders, growling and roaring, and tousling lots of heads of hair. Some carry children or young women away - only to return them gently to the ground a few steps from where they stood.

Each Krampus wears an elaborate mask, most of them made of carved wood and real goat or mountain sheep horns. The furs are goat or sheepskins. Some carry baskets to whisk away naughty children. All of them are draped with huge bells and noisemakers on their belts. Their characteristic walking dance is mostly to generate the deafening, awful din. You can catch a glimpse of the giant bells on the backs of the gremlins in this video I made:

Here are some stills of other costumes:
Krampus Run through Munich's Christmas Market

Krampus Run through Munich's Christmas Market

Krampus Run through Munich's Christmas Market

Krampus Run through Munich's Christmas Market

Krampus Run through Munich's Christmas Market

Krampus Run through Munich's Christmas Market

Krampus Run through Munich's Christmas Market

Krampus Run through Munich's Christmas Market
Here are some giant cowbells rigged for sound on this fellow:
Krampus Run through Munich's Christmas Market
And this fellow:
Krampus Run through Munich's Christmas Market
A couple of hours before the procession, there is a children's program in the courthouse to teach kids that a Krampus isn't really a devil. They get to see the people without the masks and talk to them and ask questions. In fact, my husband and I saw all the performers walking from the courthouse program to wherever they start the parade. It was there we got a full dose of how loud and obnoxious the noise was. But most of them were carrying their masks under their arms, so the fright factor was mitigated.
Krampus Run through Munich's Christmas Market
This guy made noise by dragging his huge metal shield on the pavement:
Krampus Run through Munich's Christmas Market
There was more than one ham:
Krampus Run through Munich's Christmas Market

Krampus Run through Munich's Christmas Market

Krampus Run through Munich's Christmas Market

Krampus Run through Munich's Christmas Market

Krampus Run through Munich's Christmas Market

Krampus Run through Munich's Christmas Market
And St. Nick, well, TWO St. Nicks came along behind everyone and pretended nothing was amiss:
Krampus Run through Munich's Christmas Market

Krampus Run through Munich's Christmas Market
I still think the St. Nick on the Christmas Tram was the real one. I'm pretty sure these were only helpers.

The crowd didn't seem too upset about the attention from the Krampuses/Krampii or whatever the plural of Krampus is, though. They rather looked to be enjoying it!
Krampus Run through Munich's Christmas MarketKrampus Run through Munich's Christmas MarketKrampus Run through Munich's Christmas MarketKrampus Run through Munich's Christmas MarketKrampus Run through Munich's Christmas MarketKrampus Run through Munich's Christmas MarketKrampus Run through Munich's Christmas MarketKrampus Run through Munich's Christmas MarketKrampus Run through Munich's Christmas MarketKrampus Run through Munich's Christmas Market
I think the Krampuses were not so evil after all. I forgive them for swiping my ankles with whips and bundles of sticks. And I appreciate them leaving my hair alone for the most part. And for posing so dramatically for my camera.

They are scheduled to make another run next Sunday, so I'd be glad to take you down to the square so they could take their best shot at you! Any takers??

Photo for No Apparent Reason:
Krampus Run through Munich's Christmas Market


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