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[night serum] Beauty: The importance of cuticle oil

Beauty: The importance of cuticle oil
Beauty: The importance of cuticle oil

I get really bad hang nail and dry skin around my nails, grim as it is, no matter how much hand cream I put happens.
When I was back home at Easter I went to get my nails done at the nail spa in Wahda Mall and the lady told me I needed to start using cuticle oil twice a day. Now I'm pretty bad for remembering to do something once a day so twice a day would have been a miracle. I bought some oil from them for 35dhs and tried to remember to use it at least once a day and oh my gosh. The difference was insane I could start to notice it after a few days even!
For someone who hates the feeling of oil I wasn't sure hwo I was going to take to this but I just put a small amount on every other finger and rub it over the 5. It's not too much that way. I really recommend you try it!
Essie, Sally Hansen and the Body shop all do their own cuticle oils. I do actually own the body shop one, I didn't rate it at first because I got it more for the pushy bit it had but I am going to retrial it and see if the almond oil is actually as good as my cuticle oil!

Ciao x

Ps check outretroandthrift who does the most enviable eyeliner ever!

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