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[witch] Feb: Lust Haves

Hey guys. So... I'm pretty broke at the moment, but I've seen some beautiful things that should be mine :( I'm trying to save up so I hope these bad boys will be mine by summer!

Feb: Lust Haves
River Island Cuffs.

Feb: Lust Haves
River Island Boxy Top

Feb: Lust Haves
Miss Selfridge Jacket

Feb: Lust Haves
Ebat Batman Dress

Feb: Lust Haves
Topshop Bowler hat

Feb: Lust Haves
Topshop boots
So, these are 6 of the things I am lusting for. I've wanted that miss Selfridge jacket for MONTHS now. It WILL be mine. There is something about Boxy tops, I'm not sure yet, but... I'm pretty sure I need one in my life. The bowler hat will go PERFECT with a dress I saw in primark... which I didn't see the other day but I have faith that too will be mine!

Another good note is: I lost a STONE since January 3rd. I can't quite believe it! Esp as I couldn't train for the marathon for 2 weeks due to injury and illness!! My goal is to loose another stone by the end of March and be alot fitter for when I go home! I'll be doing Hot Yoga and pilates, I've done Bikram this last week and LOVE it, even if you sweat buckets. I'll also be running 3-4 times a week, really need to step it up for the marathon
Ciao x

source :,,

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