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[Trader joe's] Ombre Pumpkin Cookies

Y'all know my philosophy on cookies. Less time decorating, more time eating. It's really my life's motto...spend as much time eating cookies as possible.
Ombre Pumpkin Cookies
Here's a super simple decorated cookie idea for you: ombre pumpkin cookies. Ombre Pumpkin Cookies
You'll just basically use one color icing for the main part of the pumpkins, in 4 shades. I started with a medium shade, then added a little bit of it to white icing to make a couple shades lighter, and added a bit more food coloring in another bowl to make a shade darker.

Ombre Pumpkin Cookies
For this orange, I used AmeriColor Orange and Ivory.

For the stem and tendril, I used AmeriColor Avocado. This is only because I'm out of Leaf Green and it was too late to run to Hobby Lobby.

Ombre Pumpkin Cookies
I made the cut-out cookies the day before, so decorating went really quickly.

Make your royal icing and tint. Then, use a #2 tip to outline the sections of the pumpkin. (You can even use a food coloring marker to draw on lines before piping...I did this for some of the cookies.)

Thin the icing with water, a bit at a time, stirring with a silicone spatula, until it is the consistency of a thick syrup. You'll want to drop a "ribbon" of icing back into the bowl and have it disappear in a count of "one thousand one, one thousand two." Four is too thick, one is too thin. Count of 2-3 is good. Cover with a damp dishcloth and let sit for several minutes.

Stir gently with a silicone spatula to pop and large air bubbles that have formed. Pour into squeeze bottles.

Ombre Pumpkin Cookies
Fill in the outlined sections, using a toothpick to guide to the edges and pop large air bubbles.

I really wanted the colors to be right up next to each other as opposed to separated by big outlines, so I brought the thinned flood icing right up over the outlines. To prevent the colors running, I flooded areas that weren't touching, let them set a bit, then flooded the adjacent colors.

Once the icing has dried about an hour, add the stem and tendril in green using a #1 tip.

Ombre Pumpkin Cookies
I think these cookies would be super cute in shades of green or pink, too!

Psst...don't forget the super fabulous giveaway on the blog right now as well as ANOTHER KitchenAid Stand Mixer giveaway from my friend Add a Pinch. Woot!

Ombre Pumpkin Cookies

Ombre Pumpkin Cookies

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