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Many miracles are coming to My people - Messages to Glynda Lomax

October 27th, 2014Many miracles are coming to My people

Many Miracles

Many miracles are coming to My people. They shall happen suddenly to those who have put their faith in Me, who have been faithful to Me. Many miracles are coming to show the world once more that there is a God in Israel, and I AM He.

Many miracles shall come suddenly to My people in every nation and you shall be filled to overflowing with joy, with My Spirit, as I answer prayers you have prayed for many years.

But know this, My people – when My mighty power flows, persecution shall arise and you must testify of Me to all men.

Be bold! You are coming home.

October 26th, 2014

Use What You Have

You are not using what you already have, My children. Use what I have given you and I shall grant you more! Whatever you seek from Me, this will be true. Did I not say, to he who has, more will be given? And so it shall be.

But many of My children seek finances, or talents, or renewed strength when they have not yet made proper use of what I have already given them for My Kingdom purposes.

I desire you would use all you have for My Kingdom, My children, for I shall not withhold any good thing from those who do!

Use what I have given you for My Kingdom’s sake, and I shall grant you much, much more!

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