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CHARLIE BROOKS LOSES 30 POUNDS 05412 - Charlie Brooks Loses 30 PoundsCharlie Brooks Loses 30 PoundsCharlie Brooks is a famous actress in the UK. In 2004, after having a baby, she weighed 168 at her height of 5'5". In 2005 she decided to hire a personal trainer and do 'a before and after workout' video. Over the next month, as she worked out two or three times a week, she lost about 14 pounds. By the end of the video she had lost about 30 pounds.

She says her workout DVD is different because it is not some famous star doing a workout video where they start out super slim and finish super slim. In her video you actually see the weight loss transformation take place.

Unfortunately, her video, which is quite popular in the UK, (and on is not available on, although you can find about 1,900 other workout videosCharlie Brooks Loses 30 Pounds there.

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